CEREC All-Ceramic Crowns – Grand Rapids, MN
Get a High-Quality Crown in One Appointment
Metal used to be the restoration material of choice. Times have changed. Now, people want more natural-looking restorations without sacrificing strength and quality. At Grand Rapids Dental Care, we offer all-ceramic CEREC crowns that mimic the translucency of natural tooth enamel and withstand tremendous biting forces. With all-ceramic CEREC crowns, you can have a smile that’s both strong and beautiful.
Why Choose Grand Rapids Dental Care for CEREC All-Ceramic Crowns?
Dental Crowns
in One
Appointment - Perfect Fit Using Our Digital Impression System
- High-Quality, Durable Dental Ceramic
What is a Dental Crown?

A crown is a dental restoration that completely covers the portion of your tooth that sits atop the gumline. It works similarly to a thimble on a finger, protecting the tooth and giving it strength, and specifically designed to fit your tooth. All-porcelain crowns are indistinguishable from natural teeth in appearance and function.
What is CEREC?

CEREC stands for CEramic REConstruction. Its 3D chairside design and milling technology allows us to create all-ceramic crowns in our office. With CEREC, you don’t have to wait for the crown to arrive from a dental lab, and you don’t have to visit our office for a second appointment. CEREC also eliminates the need for messy impressions and temporary crowns. This state-of-the-art technology is backed by decades of research and delivers results that are highly esthetic, durable, and long-lasting. Drs. Rachel and Spencer Buchert are pleased to offer this comfort- and convenience-enhancing technology to our patients.
Why Do You Need a Crown?

Drs. Rachel or Spencer Buchert may recommend a crown for a variety of reasons. Often crowns are needed to restore fractured, chipped, broken, or otherwise damaged teeth that cannot be repaired by a filling. Like a cast on a broken bone, a crown provides protection and strength. Other reasons for crowns include bite balancing, bridges to replace missing teeth, and esthetics. Crowns can be used to build up back teeth and allow for a more comfortable bite, which can eliminate headaches and TMJ issues. For replacement teeth, crowns are attached to healthy teeth on either side of the gap and the false tooth rests in the middle. All-ceramic crowns can also improve the appearance of crooked, stained, or flawed teeth, because their translucency and color closely resembles healthy tooth enamel.
Materials Dental Crowns Can Be Made From

Dental crowns are most often made of gold or porcelain, although they can also be made of stainless steel. Stainless steel crowns are typically used for primary teeth in children, because they’re temporary and not designed for long-term wear. Gold crowns are biocompatible and will not fracture. They’re generally reserved for teeth that don’t show when you smile. Porcelain crowns are often built on a metal base to provide additional strength and support for back teeth. All-porcelain crowns, which contain no metal, provide an excellent solution to restore front teeth and maintain a natural-looking smile. Grand Rapids Dental Care is committed to helping you find best and most natural option for your unique situation.
Tips on Caring for Your Dental Crown

Once your crown is in place, you’ll need to brush the area thoroughly and floss below the gumline. Bacterial growth, tooth decay, and gum disease can still occur where the tooth meets the crown at the gumline. Proper oral hygiene and preventive dental visits will ensure that your crown lasts as long as possible.